

Ok, now that I’ve got your attention. You need to slow down. As a job seeker, your resume is designed to highlight your experience to potential employers. Some hiring officers can be very picky however and some have established some hard and fast rules that you need to follow.

Here are the steps you need to take when reading a job posting.

Step 1. Read the job posting twice, and perhaps three times to make sure you’ve understood it all.

Step2. Dust off your resume. You may have to change the importance of some elements to highlight the important parts, whether it’s your education or your experience.

Step 3. If the posting asks for a cover letter, then write one. Think of the cover letter as your elevator pitch. You have two minutes to prove that you’re the right fit. While the resume is data, the cover letter is art. Shine and show why you rock.

Step 4. Get an editor. You’ll miss something. Everyone always does. And mistakes with words like they’re, there, and their can make you look awesome, or the fool.

Step 5.  Send the application the way it’s been asked for. If they want it in a word document, then do that. If they want it mailed, then that’s the way it should go.

Employers and hiring officers are very busy. By following the rules they have already established, you will increase your chances of getting hired.