5 Types Of Interview Questions To Guarantee The Best Candidate
5 Types Of Interview Questions To Guarantee The Best Candidate
November 10, 2017

It can be exhausting to find the perfect candidate. First you have to craft the perfect job posting, pour through the applications, and then agonize over the choice of which applicants to interview.

On the day however, you’re just as nervous as the applicants. Will they like your company? Will they fit? Will they be as impressive as they seem on paper?

Applicants never realize how stressful it can be to come up with the perfect questions. It’s a dance to get it right, but in the end, achieving the goal is worth it.

What should you ask then? That can get complicated, but you should focus on the type of job and company culture that you envision. There are essentially 5 types of questions you can ask however.

  • Behavioural
  • Competency
  • Opinion
  • Verification
  • Experiential


Knowing the type of candidate you want to hire will dictate the type of questions to ask. Do you know what you’re looking for in a employee?