Searching for a job isn’t easy. In fact, it can be frustrating applying to all the jobs you find then waiting for prospective employers to call you back. On top of that, you may have children or other obligations that can consume your time. To achieve your goal of finding a job however, you need to treat your search like a job.
To do it well however, you need a system. Everyone won’t have the same system, but you need something to automate what can and make easier what can’t. Here are 6 elements to help focus your job of searching.
1. Keep your resume up to date. Whether you apply to one job in a day or ten, having to edit your resume takes time. Then if you get a job or add a skill, you can update your resume without pausing your search.
2. Be consistent. Get up at the same time every day, send out your resumes at the start or end of the day, and follow up with those who you’ve sent a resume to at the opposite time. You want your system to work with your schedule so you can focus on your end goal without forgetting important things.
3. Dress for Success. A wise man once said, dress not for the job you have, but for the one you want. That means when you wake up in the morning you need to envision yourself in the position you want to achieve. You may not need to wear your Sunday dancing shoes, but at least trade in the PJ’s for something a little more professional.
4. Write it down. Take your queue from Santa and start creating lists. Who have you applied to, who responded, and even who you may know who can help you find a job. Lists help you focus so you don’t waste your time repeating work or missing it.
5. Get help. An employment agency is connected to a lot of employers, some that may not be actively looking to hire, but may be a perfect fit. They also have the means to teach you new skills and help you with your resume if it’s not updated. They help you search.
6. Create your own job. Sometimes it isn’t finding a job that’s listed, but creating one that isn’t. Most employers hire when they know the person they’re hiring is going to make them more income than they cost. If you can show your value, you may find a job when there wasn’t one posted.
The best way to achieve your goal is to focus on it. By making it a priority, you teach your brain what’s important. The added benefit, is the discipline you’ve established. When you do find a job, you will already be set up to work so you don’t have to adjust your schedule.