To most, Maslow is a name they hear in school and forget shortly thereafter. His work however is important when looking at your needs and how to prioritize them. In essence, Maslow stated that everyone has certain needs and that some of those needs take precedence over others; the hierarchy of needs. Simple enough, right?
When thinking about your job search, look at it this way, by finding a job you will achieve certain things, basic and psychological. You will be able to pay the bills and go to the movies and everything in between depending on the pay.
Here’s the thing though. Maslow’s theory goes on to say that as you achieve more of your needs, you become more fulfilled and eventually become self-fulfilled. While you may not be concerned with that in the beginning, keeping this theory in mind may make your search easier and eventual job better.
Physiological needs: These basic needs are the kind that make it difficult to think of anything else when you don’t have a job: food, water, warmth, and rest. These needs are the driving force for many and often lead us to accepting jobs beneath our skill level because we just need a job.
Safety needs: Similar to the physiological needs, safety needs include health, property, employment, and other resources.
Belonging and love needs: This level pertains more to community as you fulfill a need for friendship, intimacy, family, and a sense of connection.
Esteem needs: These needs looks more inward to respect, self-esteem, status, and recognition.
Self-actualization: This need is the ability to become the most that you can be.
Often people get bogged down in the definitions of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, but when you start to view your search through his veil, you begin to realize how the prioritization of your needs dictates how hard you search for a job and for how long. Many people look for easy wins to quickly fill their basic needs so they can feel comfortable and safe. They settle for the easy path.
By being aware of the hierarchy of needs, you can position yourself for greater happiness however. You do this by slowing down your search. By searching for a job that achieves more of the levels of need, they you will become happier and more fulfilled.
1. One way is to get a temporary job that will allow you to continue your search.
2. Another is by getting outside help like some of the programs that ReStart offers to give you seed money to get you started.
3. You can negotiate a different pay structure that offers pay as well as benefits.
4. You can also target your search to a job with a company whose culture is more in tune with your style.
Knowledge is power. When you’re embarking on your job search, being aware of your hierarchy of needs will help fill them.
What’s next for your hierarchy of needs?
Step 1. Take the time to write down your needs.
Step 2. Write down some things you can do to temporarily fill those needs as you search for your job.
Step 3. Use your checklist to search for the perfect job that fills more than the basic needs.