4 Reasons Why A Realistic Career Goal Is Important.
4 Reasons Why A Realistic Career Goal Is Important.

Have you set a goal?

Do you ever get the feeling that trying to achieve the goals you’ve set is like reaching for an apple you can never have. You can feel it slip through your fingers time and again, your frustration growing. After awhile you question whether it’s worth it. Are your goals even achievable?

It’s okay. It’s natural. We all question ourselves now and then. It could be you. It could be chance. It could be nothing. Sometimes, things just don’t go your way.

On the other hand, sometimes it’s because we set unrealistic goals, especially when it comes to our job search or careers. Understanding that a goal isn’t realistic is the first step to taking control of your life.

By establishing realistic goals, you achieve many positive  things for yourself.

1. Remove high expectations

When your goals are set too high, you are asking for failure. When your career and job search goals are realistic, then you can win. 

2. Focus your time and energy

Spending time on a goal that you can never reach wastes time that you should be using to achieve goals that you can. 

3. See opportunities more clearly

Now that you’re focused on goals that are within reach, you can see what opportunities are available. You become attuned to jobs that are within your skill set and that you would like.

4. Boost your mental stamina

Repeated failures will eventually break down your spirit until you quit. Small wins will give you renewed energy to keep fighting. 


No one likes to fail. It’s disheartening to see your achievements washed away because you couldn’t complete a task. The interesting thing about these lofty goals is that eventually, with SMART goals which we will speak about next week, you can build yourself up to achieve them. Your previously unrealistic expectations become achievable.