by restartnow2_Admin | Aug 18, 2018 | Job Seeker, Resume
Having your resume stand out is important. There’s no question, employers are busy. They wouldn’t be hiring if they had extra time on their hands. That time crunch can lead to some frustration on their part when hiring. They have all their regular duties to perform...
by restartnow2_Admin | Aug 14, 2018 | Job Search Tips, Job Seeker
Don’t let stress control you. It can happen when you least expect it and ill afford it. Stress is far more complex than taking simple steps though. Some people spend years trying to deal with their stress, learning yoga and other techniques to make things...
by restartnow2_Admin | Aug 5, 2018 | Employees, Employer
Do you know what your rights are for meal breaks? Many people are concerned with the time they work. We’ve previously touched on the number of total hours that we are required to work and when overtime kicks in, but what about meals and breaks? Do you...
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