Online Job Search Tips For Graduates!
If you’re a recent graduate, chances are you grew up in the internet era. You don’t just see the online world as a new section of your map, but part of your home base. But that doesn’t mean how you use it stays the same — as your life changes post-graduation, changing your approach to using the internet can yield fantastic results for our job search!
It’s no surprise that the jump from school to the workplace can be overwhelming, but if you’ve made it this far, then adopting a few key tips can make it a smooth transition, and one that leads into an amazing career, and an even more amazing future for you!
So let’s take some time to reflect on how you can shift your online practices to create an advantage as you take that next step.
Pop the “Graduate Bubble”
Many graduates gravitate towards what are commonly known as ‘graduate schemes’. These are programs offered by companies which provide structured training for new recruits, in order to develop the skills and leadership qualities they need and expect from their employees.
There is nothing wrong with choosing this approach, of course. In fact, graduate schemes are some of the top paying jobs for those who are right out of school. They are quickly becoming an industry standard in fields such as investment banking, law firms, consulting firms, oil and energy companies, and corporate retailers.
That said, many people spend their entire school life on a track, meaning they have been taught to keep to one lane and expect the best outcome from simply staying between the lines. Now that you are setting out on your own, it’s time to decide what track is best for yourself. Don’t feel pressured to follow the status quo! It’s your life on the line, so you should be honest with yourself about what it is you really want.
Additionally, due to their appeal to both employees and employers, graduate schemes are consistently over-saturated with applicants every year. Take some time to look outside your bubble before you set your sights on such a specific goal.
What alternatives are out there for your field?
Look the Part Online
We’re talking social media here — by now you’re more than likely aware that recruiters are scoping your social media accounts before sitting down with you. Think of it like going on a date with a stranger: wouldn’t you want to see one of their profiles first, to get a clearer picture of whether they’d be a good match?
Well businesses see it the same way! Which means it’s time to curate your public-facing content. A good place to start is by scrubbing out all the no-so-professional pictures and posts from your profiles. You may also want to go ahead and revisit your privacy settings to ensure that no one you don’t want to can see your personal items. Don’t go overboard, remember that you don’t want to be a ghost online, just make it clear that you don’t air your dirty laundry (or show that you don’t have anything to hide).
Next, be sure to set up professional profiles, whether that’s on LinkedIn, or another industry standard platform for your area of expertise. You should consider getting professional headshots, or showing off your creative/organizational side by making your profiles and profiles pics aesthetically pleasing. You’ll want to find what works best for your industry, so consider having a look at successful professionals whose paths you’d like to follow, and build off of what works.
Finally, you need to walk the walk. Once your platforms and profiles are set up and you’re sure everything is squeaky-clean, you need to stay active to show you’re relevant. Be mindful to keep showing your professional side as you interact with others online — think twice before posting something that could blur the image you’ve created for yourself.
How else could you curate your online image?
Discover Your Brand!
Creating a unique and value-focused brand persona for yourself online goes beyond just social media.
Think about the in-roads that people will use to find you, and what you want them to see when they arrive. When they search you online, will they come across your website? Your portfolio page? Will you have a video welcome message on YouTube for recruiters?
And does your personality come across in all of your content? You want to feel consistent to recruiters — the more sure they are about who you are, the more sure they’ll be that you’re a great fit for their company!
Just like marketing for big name brands in the marketplace, you need to think about what makes you unique, and showcase it in a unique way to stake your claim in the job market. We already know you’re amazing, but now you’ve got to show employers that, too!
How are you going to stand out to recruiters, in a sea of CVs and resumes?
Patience is a Virtual
Your hunt for the perfect job can take time, and some of those times it’s going to feel hard.
A bit of patience will help you keep things in perspective. Remember, you’ve still got a lifetime of chances ahead of you, and just because you don’t find the perfect opportunity today, doesn’t mean tomorrow will be the same.
Being patient will help you keep your positivity and energy up so you don’t lose momentum, either. Practice mental wellness and let your anxiety guide you to try new things when something doesn’t feel right.
You also need to give yourself time to really consider what you want. If you’re in too much of a rush to close the gap between school and work, you could miss out on some great opportunities that would make more sense for your big picture. Be patient with yourself, and sound out what you want just as much as how you plan to get there.
Are you giving yourself enough time to be patient?