You need to stay at your best when unemployed. Here’s how.
You need to stay at your best when unemployed. Here’s how.

We like to say that you should handle searching for a job as though it is a job in itself. But unlike an actual job, you will have to find your own ways to stay motivated and mentally active, with fewer of the rewards. Besides setting goals and keeping up with your applications and interviews, it’s easy to fall into a rut. The last thing you want is to become sluggish, or you risk being unprepared when opportunity strikes.

So what can you do to keep your mind sharp, and your talents ready to go at a moments notice? Thankfully, we’ve put together a few important suggestions to help you stay at your best while waiting for that next big job offer to come in. Let’s have a look.

Stay Up-To-Date

Change is the greatest constant. And that means that when you’re out of the loop for too long, your industry can keep progressing without you. If you fall too far behind, it becomes difficult for you to follow the latest trends and terminologies that are critical knowledge for anyone in your field.

Just like when you are working, when you are between jobs you should continue to read up on the latest news and trailblazing ideas in order to stay up to speed with current affairs. Whether that means reading articles and blogs over breakfast, subscribing to newsletters from industry leaders, or talking shop with old coworkers, you should be doing your best to stay immersed in the world of your chosen profession.

Besides “keeping up with the Joneses”, staying up-to-date is also a great way to keep your mind active. Working through new ideas and learning how to see things from different angles is a proven way to keep mentally fit.

Stay Connected

It is easy to feel isolated when you don’t have a company to work with every day. Job hunting is essentially working for yourself, and one of the biggest pitfalls is missing out on important social connections.

“No man is an island”, as the saying goes, and everyone needs social interaction to stay sharp. Talking in-depth with others, especially about complicated ideas, challenges your brain to work in ways it normally wouldn’t on its own. This keeps you flexible and lucid. Hearing other people’s perspectives can also help inspire you, or keep you motivated. Friends and colleagues are a great source of encouragement, and you never know when you might make a new connection that leads into your next golden opportunity.

Workout Your Brain

Take time to do some mental push-ups. Learning a new skill, or picking up a new hobby, can help force your brain to use tools it may have let soften over time. Try something that really pushes your boundaries, like a new instrument, or a new language. Don’t let your brain run on autopilot, keep challenging yourself with new tasks that require new skills.

A great way to combine this with your job hunt is to learn practical skills that you can use in your work. Consider upgrading a license, or taking a course about an emerging topic in your industry. Not only will your brain stay active from the mental exercise, you will also be strengthening your resume, and therefore your attractiveness to potential employers.

Workout Your Body

While you may be spending most of your time at a computer, sending applications and workshopping your resume, your body is still the vehicle for your brain. So, if you want a fast-running mind, you’ll need to keep your body fit too.

We need about 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day. This can even be household chores, like mowing the lawn or shovelling the driveway. Otherwise, consider going for a relaxing swim or a brisk walk. Getting outdoors is also great for clearing your mind and reducing stress.

Maybe it’s a good time to work on a weight loss goal as well; sparing a little extra time on exercise can help improve your self image. With a bit of work, you can look good, feel good, and be at your best both physically and mentally.

Remember, employers are looking for the strongest candidate. If you don’t keep yourself fit, in body and in mind, not only will you find yourself less motivated and energized, but you could be missing out on the chance to make the best impression when the time comes. Try applying these simple suggestions to your own lifestyle, and soon you’ll find just how easy it is to stay strong during your job search. Best of luck!