5 Simple Solutions For Diverse Hiring
5 Simple Solutions For Diverse Hiring
November 11, 2021

They say change comes from within, but what does that mean for changing society for the better?

Well, it starts with employers and business owners like yourself taking the initiative to make a difference in their own backyard first.

When it comes to the world practicing more diverse hiring and adopting more inclusive employment standards, we need it now more than ever. And chances are if you’re reading this article, then you know you need to step it up for change.

Diversity at work is not only a better standard for everyone, it has also been well documented to boost productivity, drive sales, and improve your engagement with your audience.

With the benefits for your business, and for society, in mind, let’s take a look at 5 simple solutions you can use to make your hiring more diverse!

  1. Remove Referral Bonuses

We know word-of-mouth is the strongest form of advertising, but when the only people who talk about working at your business are the people who already work at your business, they’ll only attract similar voices.

Analytics bureau Payscale recently conducted a survey of 53,000 workers. They were trying to understand the effectiveness of referrals, and concluded that referral bonuses had an unintended consequence of causing diversity to suffer.

Specifically, they found that white males benefited the most from referral programs, while conversely women of colour were the least likely to receive a referral at all.

While referrals are a great incentive for people to broadcast the message that you’re hiring, it can lead to more of an echochamber than a widespread shout out.

  1. Balance Your Recruiting Efforts

When you’ve identified a gap in diversity in your staff, use that knowledge to shape how you spend your recruiting investment.

Commit to investing over 50% of your time and budget to making recruiting efforts directed specifically at underrepresented groups. You should do more for the groups that are less represented.

Diversifying your recruiting efforts doesn’t just mean who you seek out, it should also mean you include a diverse range of people in the hiring process, and account for different needs at every step of the way. Try sending your job posting to Immigration and Newcomer Associations, Cultural Groups, and Independent Business Associations.

  1. Walk The Walk, Don’t Just Talk

Underrepresented groups demand proof of action.

There’s a term often used to shame people who use moral posturing for their own personal gain: virtue signalling. When you want your company to truly adopt the virtues that will improve your business, like diverse hiring, you can’t just say you’re doing it and not do it.

You can’t simply join the ranks of allies and activists when you haven’t done your share. But that’s not to say that you can’t give yourself a shoutout when you do make real progress!

When you make serious updates to your policies, make them visible! Evaluate your job postings, are there barriers in your required credentials? Do you need an Ontario High School Diploma or is grade 12 equivalency sufficient? When you raise awareness for an issue with a company-wide event, make your audience aware, too!

There’s a fine line between sharing what makes you proud and bragging. But if you can back up your accolades with real accomplishments, then you’re on the right side of it.

  1. Employee Resource Groups

ERGs are an employee-led group dedicated to identifying and problem solving for issues affecting the diverse demographics at your workplace. It is a place where employees can feel represented and heard, while enacting real positive change.

Not only will an ERG help you identify issues with your diverse hiring practices, but they are a great way to show potential recruits that they will always have a place to belong at your company.

When you value and listen to your current employees, new talent will always want to be part of your team.

  1. Career Paths for Diverse Staff

You want your business to grow and develop over time. And when your team members can grow under your company banner, they can lift it even higher!

One of the things that most attracts job seekers is the chance for professional development. This can mean promotions, of course, but it can also mean the opportunity to receive paid education, mentorship from executives, and any program that encourages their forward (and upward) trajectory.

Look at your company and decide if you’re making these pathways for everyone. Consider creating specific growth opportunities for specific underrepresented groups. Then, let everybody know! In all of your recruitment material, including your job postings and career opportunities pages on your website, highlight the ways that people can find their best selves when they work with you.

Not only will it help you recruit from a more diverse talent pool, it will also improve your retention rates and improve employee engagement.

Changing society might not seem that simple, but with these simple solutions for diverse hiring, you’re ready to make the change in your own backyard!