3 Steps to Stand Out to Recruiters at a Virtual Job Fair
3 Steps to Stand Out to Recruiters at a Virtual Job Fair

A long time ago…

In a galaxy far, far away…

Humans travelled the world at nearly lightspeed, using sophisticated machines and —

Hey, wait a minute…that sounds like sci-fi, but isn’t that what real people do every day?

The answer is: yes, yes it is.

Today, humans interact with each other using the convenience of the internet, often more than we communicate face to face.

In fact, you and I are communicating right now, through thousands of junctures of cable and wireless transceivers, and billions of tiny transistors in our computers. But despite the miraculous nature of the system itself, it feels like it’s just business as usual.

That’s because humans are quick to adapt and become comfortable with even the most unusual of circumstances. For instance: the pandemic.

Since the pandemic began, people have been adapting to new norms in every aspect of life. And virtual job fairs are a fine example of our ingenuity to overcome this new obstacle.

But let’s say you’re a job seeker looking to navigate the new world of online job fairs (because if you’re reading this, you almost certainly are). What steps can you take to adapt even faster to the future?

The good news is: it’s not as difficult as learning to fly a spaceship so you can defeat the evil empire. You can use just 3 simple steps to stand out to recruiters at a virtual job fair! Let us show you what they are…

1. Do this BEFORE the Job Fair

Register in advance

The best course of action when planning to attend an online job fair is to not hesitate.

Don’t delay when it comes to registering, even if it feels a bit strange to try something new. Signing up is the first step in preparing, and you could receive information as a registered participant which will help you plan even better!

Research the recruiters

While you might be interested in every employer who is attending the job fair, you can ultimately only work for one.

Do your due diligence and research what each organization has to offer, so you can determine who your main targets will be.

Revamp your resume

Not only should you be revisiting your resume in order to make sure it’s up to date, you should also be making sure that it speaks to the specific skills you have which employers at this particular job fair are looking for.

Check out the keywords the employers use in their job postings and incorporate them into your resume!

Pro Tip: ReStart offers FREE resume writing and reviewing services. We can help you build yours from the ground up, or take it to the next level!

Rehearse your elevator pitch

And if you don’t have one yet, write one. Having an approximately 30 second explanation of your value to an employer is the most efficient way to tell them who you are (because they’re definitely going to ask).

Schedule time with recruiters

You don’t have to wait until the job fair starts to start connecting to employers! Find out who from their company is going to be in attendance and reach out to set a time to speak with them during the event. Just be sure not to spam them with messages.

2. Do this DURING the Job Fair

Dress for the job you want

Looking the part is half the battle. Make sure you dress professionally so you can set the right tone when networking via video. 

Dressing well has the added benefit of helping you trick your brain into switching over to your “professional personality”.

Pro Tip: Did you know that ReStart partners with community services that can help you dress for success for less? We offer free assistance with finding work-appropriate clothing, and can also find financial support for employment related expenses!

Communicate clearly and concisely

Even when you get 1-on-1 time with a recruiter, it’s important to respect their time — they have many candidates to see during the event (and you have many employers to engage with, too!).

Keep your communication brief and to the point. Your research and rehearsing will help you know exactly what to say to get to the point without missing it.

Use body language

Just because you’re not meeting in person, doesn’t mean you can ignore basic behavioural expectations.

Maintain eye contact and proper posture when speaking on a video call. Listen to the subtle cues they may be giving you, and make sure you’re both speaking the same (body) language.

Use your time

Don’t hold back — remember, this is your time to shine! Make sure you spend it wisely by making connections.

Don’t be afraid to get the ball rolling, either. Ask questions about their business, and discuss how you can follow up with each other about the positions you are interested in.

Pro Tip: Collect contact information from all the recruiters you speak with so you can engage them later on.

3. Do this AFTER the Job Fair

Follow up with recruiters

You may decide that not every organization you spoke with is right for you. But when you do find ones that you connect with, it’s important to keep that connection open.

Reach out to recruiters after the event to thank them for their time and investigate any updates on their recruiting. Don’t forget to include your resume, too!

Improve your process

If online job fairs are a new thing for you (as they are for most of the world), then don’t feel bad if things didn’t feel 100% right on the first try.

If the world keeps adopting virtual meetups in favor of in-person ones, then there will be plenty of other chances for you to play the game. Just make sure that you take some time to reflect on your strategy before the next event!