No two dreams are the same.

Some people dream about a life where their work is emotionally rewarding. Some people dream of wealth and fame. Some people just dream about being able to retire comfortably.

But those dreams, and what they mean, are unique to each dreamer.

Fortunately, when it comes to finding your dream job, there are some fundamental truths that are universal to all.

In today’s article, we’ll explore 7 of these simple strategies that can help make your job search a dream come true!

1. Stay organized

It’s easy for things to get messy during a job search. You’re applying to multiple positions, talking to multiple recruiters, and scheduling multiple interviews, follow-ups, and more.

Organization is one of the most important things to help you manage your time and your efforts.

Create a calendar for yourself, and track your activities in a job search spreadsheet which includes your progress with every employer.

2. Take rejection with a grain of salt

Almost no one gets the first job they apply for.

It’s important to learn to accept rejection gracefully so that you can stay positive. Not only will coping well with rejection protect your mental wellness, it will also let you look at things objectively so you can improve.

3. Research your recruiters

When looking for a job, it’s not just about trying to fit in to an employer’s expectations. You also need to make sure their company is the right fit for you.

Take time to investigate any organizations before applying. It’ll also give you a leg up at any interview — showing off your knowledge of their business shows them you’re diligent and invested in this position.

4. Look everywhere

Gone are the days where you only applied for jobs through want ads in the newspaper classifieds.

Today, job seekers have a vast amount of avenues to choose from when it comes to finding work opportunities — and you should take advantage of them all!

Diversify your job search to include online job boards, postings on websites and social media, and (of course) expert Employment Services Agencies like ReStart.

5. Re-target your resume

Your resume should not only be up-to-date, but it should be tailored to individual employers.

When considering applying to a certain position, customize your resume to speak to the requirements they list in the job posting.

A good tip for making this easier is to create one master resume with everything included (like a CV) and then just trim it down, or paraphrase what you need to before applying.

6. Project your unique value

By the time a recruiter conducts interviews, they’ve likely narrowed their list down to a few candidates with very similar qualifications.

It’s important that you can voice what sets you apart from the rest. Think about what unique skills or experience you have, and be ready to tell them how it will benefit their business to bring you on board.

Make sure you support your claim with confidence, and a professional demeanour.

7. Manage your mental wellness

Oftentimes, when we are constantly applying to jobs and trying to convince others that we can help them, we forget to help ourselves.

Looking for work IS a type of work in itself. And just like any job, you need to balance your personal and professional life to avoid burnout.

Make sure you are taking care of your mental wellness, and practicing self-care. You’ll be surprised how much your own stress can make employers anxious about hiring you, too!


Job searches are hard, so be good to yourself (and be good to your job search) by adopting these 7 simple strategies!

And the best strategy for finding a job on your own — is to not go it alone! ReStart has free resources and services to help you prepare for and find meaningful employment! Contact us today to get started!