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Employment Service (ES)

Employment Service (ES)
Employment Service offers a range of resources, supports and service components to respond to the career and employment needs of individuals and the skilled labour needs of employers, and can help individuals on a path to higher skill training and employment.
Contact Information:
900 Montreal St. Kingston, Ontario K7K 3J9
To participate in placements, employers must:
- Be licensed to operate in Ontario;
- Comply with all applicable legislation, including federal/provincial human rights legislation, regulations, and any other relevant standards, Occupational Health and Safety Act, Employment Standards Act, freedom of information and protection of privacy legislation;
- Provide Employment Service Placement employment in Ontario;
- Maintain appropriate WSIB or alternate workplace safety insurance coverage and have adequate third party general liability insurance as advised by its insurance broker Employment Service 17
An employer must not
- Hire his or her immediate family members, such as parent, spouse, sibling or child as a trainee;
- Not be receiving government funds from any other source for the same training placement;
- Not use placement services to replace existing or laid-off employees;
- Not be an EO Employment Service service provider.
As well, employers must commit to:
- Developing a relevant training/work experience plan that will help the participants achieve their labour market/employment goal, and the help the employer achieve their business goals, in conjunction with the service provider and participant;
- Providing feedback and assessments of a participant’s skills level, where required;
- Having potential for long-term employment/contract position for the participant;
- Demonstrating the ability to provide the participant with adequate supervision, and the training/work experience described in the Employment Service plan;
- Placing the participant on the company’s payroll and provide the same employment terms, conditions and benefits as for all regular employees.

Resource and Information
Take advantage of our Resource & Information Centre to post job advertisements and attract more qualified candidates.
Individuals who are served well through RI usually have a clear understanding of market perceptions, good motivation and work habits, and strong interpersonal skills.
Take advantage of our Resource & Information Centre to post job advertisements and attract more qualified candidates.
Our Resource & Information Centre is a welcoming physical space where hundreds of job seekers visit monthly to job search. We invite all employers to make use of our Centre to recruit staff. Whether you are looking for new talent or hosting an upcoming job fair, we can help.
We would gladly post an eye-catching job posting on our job board to advertise any of your job openings. We can also make our Consultants aware of your hiring needs to pass along to suitable candidates who visit the Centre. By working with ReStart, you will have more options to find the qualified employees you want.
RI services also help people:
- Complete registrations for secondary and postsecondary education;
- Complete and submit applications, including sign-off where necessary, for programs such as Better Jobs Ontario;
- Access income support such as Ontario Works, the Ontario Disability Support Program, or Employment Insurance.
Through RI, employers can access information on:
- The local labour force;
- Apprenticeship;
- Post employment opportunities;
- Support available for their human resource planning, recruitment and workplace training.

Canada-Ontario Job Grant
(COJG) provides opportunities for employers, individually or in groups, to invest in their workforce, with help from the government.
Individual private and not-for-profit sector employers, First Nations (as listed in Appendix I) and organizations acting on behalf of employers, including union training halls, industry associations, training coordinators and other employer consortia that meet the requirements below are eligible to apply for a Grant. Eligibility criteria apply to all employers regardless of whether they are training one or multiple individuals.
An employer must:
- Make minimum cash contributions towards training costs (see Section;
- Employ the individual selected for training. If the employer has hired an unemployed individual to fill a vacancy, the offer of employment can be conditional upon the individual having completed training and subject to the employer’s regular probationary period;
- Be licensed to operate in Ontario;
- Be applying for training that is delivered in Ontario and is related to a job that is also located in Ontario;
- Comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Employment Standards Act;
- Maintain appropriate Workplace Safety and Insurance Board or private workplace safety insurance coverage;
- Have adequate third party general liability insurance as advised by its insurance broker; and
- Comply with all applicable federal and provincial human rights legislation, regulations, and any other relevant standards.
An employer must not
- Be a federal, provincial or municipal government and/or agency;
- Be a designated broader public sector organization, as defined by the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act;
- Be district social services administration boards established under the District Social Services Administration Boards Act, notwithstanding their exclusion under the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act;
- Be a Canada-Ontario Job Grant Service Provider, or an Employment Service provider;
- Be currently in receipt of other government funds related to the same skills training for the same individual (e.g., Employment Service or Job Placements);
- Use training participants to displace existing staff or replace staff who are on layoff; and
- Compel individual participants to pay any part of the employer’s COJG contribution related to training, either directly or indirectly. The employer’s contribution is the employers alone.
An employer may be ineligible for subsequent applications if:
- The employer offers a suitable full- or part-time job placement, consistent with the participant’s identified employment needs or career goals;
- The employer did not follow through on anticipated action post-training as provided in the application such as increasing trainee wages or not hiring an unemployed new hire – except under exceptional circumstances (e.g., the participant completed the training, but did not pass the exam, which is a requirement of the job);
- The employer did not submit the required documentation that is required by the Ministry;
- The participant did not complete the training and the employer failed to inform the service provider or Ministry, and the Ministry was still required to pay for the training;
- The employer had been approved for multiple Grants in the past but withdrew or did not follow through on training;
- The Ministry’s quality assurance processes, audits, surveys, and any other means of verifying information on previous applications, conducted at any time, reveal that the information provided to the Ministry to being inaccurate, untrue, or incorrect.
An employer that is a corporation or other entity may be ineligible if:
- It was found by the Ministry to have abused COJG funding in the past;
- The “controlling minds” of the corporation or entity, either as individuals or as the controlling minds of another corporation or entity;
- Were found by the Ministry to have abused COJG funding in the past. For a definition of “controlling minds”, please see Section;
- The employer has funds owing to the Ministry.